
Negative comments

 Hey everyone, After a few months, I finally want to share something important to me. When I do something, I often receive both positive compliments and negative comments. Negative comments can hurt and make me feel low, causing me to overlook the positive feedback. So, I've decided to focus on the positive comments that motivate and bring me happiness. I will listen to negative comments as well, but only to learn from my mistakes. Otherwise, I'll leave them behind and not let them affect me. I refuse to let negative comments stop me from doing what I love. If not now, then when? Get involved in everything that makes you happy, regardless of the outcome. Step forward Make miracles ✨

Introvert or Extrovert

Hope everyone knows the meanings of introvert and extrovert. Can you guess which one I am? Without a second thought, you might guess I'm an extrovert, as extroverts tend to share their thoughts with the world. However, I wasn't always an extrovert. I was an introvert throughout my schooling years. But I decided to explore myself, started talking with people, and began expressing my likes and dislikes. Can you imagine? I didn't even have a single friend during my schooling. After interacting with people, I made many friendships and now have numerous friends. "While introverts can enjoy their lives, being an extrovert allows you to enjoy life with the broader world". Thank you.

Women Safety

I'd like to share an observation from my internship at Vizag Steel Plant. I primarily explored the Coal Chemicals and Coke Oven department, which is relevant to my field of study. During my time there, I noticed that there were no women working in the Coke Oven department. As a female chemical engineer, I was curious about the reasons behind this. Due to my curiosity, I approached one of the employees and inquired. He explained that women are generally assigned to laboratories rather than field work due to concerns about their safety. I appreciated the emphasis on safety and wanted to express my gratitude for their consideration. Thank you 


I joined the National Cadet Corps (NCC) in 2020 during my first year. I joined because I loved the uniform; it's not something you can wear without being part of the NCC. As an NCC cadet, I am required to wear it, and whenever I put on that uniform, I feel like a soldier. I've learned many things during my 3-years NCC journey. I'm part of the Air Wing, so I primarily learned about the Air Force. I started exploring new things during NCC Camps: meeting new people, adapting to new environments,rules, making adjustments, and empathizing with others. I've participated in 2 camps, and my overall experience was positive. I miss the NCC parades, especially the uniform. Thankyou Happy learning 😊


Every day (24 hours), we will do few small mistakes. it's not a crime, but few people felt like a crime.  We can see two types of people,  One, who can make a small mistake then they felt like a crime and depress themselves. they never come out from that mistake. Second, who can realize themselves and recorrect the mistake, look back to the mistake for the lesson, what did they made in past. and they look forward to life. Every mistake will give a valuable message to us. Realization is a great thing because when a pencil wrote wrong, the pencil 📝 realizes "I can erase it" with an eraser. That is the power of realization don't be depress yourself. keep doing. Think positive  Stay positive


 Opportunities are like birds 🐦 they migrate from one place to another place. Like opportunities also same when the opportunity comes under you, we have to utilize the opportunity if we lose the opportunity it migrates to there's. So don't lose the opportunity when it comes to you we have to perform our level best. For example, a person who refused a topmost company's interview in the past, now this current pandemic situation the same person needs that job but, now the person refused by the company. So, when the opportunity comes to you it better to utilize that opportunity. but, when you need the opportunity it's difficult to face in your existence. So, keep performing, keep learning. Thank you.